This shoe incorporates hemp canvas as a main component. Prior to the 1800s, Hemp was the go-to textile for clothing, ropes, and canvas. With the ease of the cotton gin and prohibition of cannabis in 1937, Hemp became a forgotten textile. Currently, the world’s number one source for fabric is cotton. This is unfortunate, as Hemp is superior to cotton. Here’s why: On average, one acre of Hemp can produce two to three times more fiber than one acre of cotton. Hemp detoxifies the soil by removing harmful chemicals and pollutants while enriching the soil with nitrogen and oxygen. Cotton takes a tremendous toll on the soil. Nearly 10% of all agricultural chemicals and 25% of insecticides come from the cotton industry, which bleeds into our soil, oceans, rivers, and streams. Hemp can be grown with significantly less chemicals, or in many cases, none at all. Hemp needs only one-third the amount of water that cotton needs. Hemp is three to eight times stronger than cotton (depending on how it is processed). Also, because of its strength and durability, Hemp textile products last longer. Hemp textile is breathable, moisture absorbent, a UV protectant, and anti-bacterial.