Subliminal Projects | 3 Kings Exhibition

October 21st, 2011

A few weeks ago Patrick Liberty made a trip to LA, where he kicked it with David Flores and checked out the 3 Kings Exhibition at Shepard Fairey’s gallery, Subliminal Projects. David Flores, Tart Of Gold (David’s girlfriend), and Patrick rolled to the art show together for Tart Of Gold’s birthday. It popped off and was filled with heavy players in the art game. The show featured the “3 Kings,” Futura, Fab 5 Freddy & Lee Quinones (left in above picture). These guys have been at the top of the game for over 30 years and are NYC art legends. The night filled the air with inspiration from the exquisite art to the creative minds. Check out more pics, like the Futura art piece below, after the jump.