NFL’s Vernon Davis x Akomplice

January 13th, 2012

We have teamed up with NFL tight end Vernon Davis of the San Francisco 49ers to produce two limited edition T-shirts with proceeds from the sales to benefit children in the U.S. and Africa. “There’s a lot of need everywhere in the world,” says Davis. “This is one way to make a difference in the lives of children in Africa and here at home.” The limited edition black and white T-shirts are $30 each and feature a stylized photographic image of Vernon Davis shot by award-winning photographer Tim Mantoani. Click here to purchase this exclusive T-shirt.

We will donate 50% of the proceeds from sales of the white T-shirts to Young Audiences Arts for Learning, the largest single arts education organization in the U.S., serving more than 5 million children annually. Young Audiences Arts for Learning national executive director David Dik believes this fund-raising campaign is especially meaningful given the number of arts programs being cut in public schools. “All young people need the arts,” says Dik, “research shows that children from low-income families benefit most significantly from gaining exposure to the arts, improving their academic performance, their community involvement, and their workplace readiness. With the help of Akomplice and Vernon Davis, Young Audiences will continue to partner with schools and community organizations throughout the nation to ensure equity and access in the arts for all children.” Davis agrees. “I grew up in a tough DC community where the arts were no where to be found, so I had to wait to discover art years later in college. Our goal is to help create opportunities for kids right now.”

The purchase of a black T-shirt provides a free T-shirt for a child in Africa to be distributed by Starkey Hearing Foundation during an upcoming 2012 mission trip. Starkey Hearing Foundation has given the gift of hearing to more than half a million people around the globe. “It will be our pleasure to deliver these T-shirts to children in Africa during our hearing mission trips to further brighten their lives with this gesture of goodwill,” says Brady Forseth, Co-Executive Director of Starkey Hearing Foundation.

Teaming with NFL star and playmaker Vernon Davis and a philanthropic titan like The Starkey Hearing Foundation, who have graciously offered to deliver the T-shirts, is a perfect way to leverage our brand with theirs to make a positive impact on the lives of children who need our help.

Check out more pics after the jump.