Akomplice X Treats | How To Make It

April 7th, 2012

If you’re in Puerto Rico next Tuesday, Akomplice co-owner Patrick Liberty will be making an appearance at Treats to tell you How To Make It in the Streetwear Industry. From the brand’s conception to selling at 200 of the top boutiques around the world, Patrick will share never-before-heard stories and tips of how he and his brother have succeeded in such a cut-throat industry. Through the years, Akomplice has collaborated with numerous celebrities and industry leaders. Patrick will talk in detail about how the brand recently teamed up with NFL superstar Vernon Davis, hip-hop’s masked villain DOOM, high-end boutique Conveyor inside Santa Monica’s famed Fred Segal, and more. To wrap up, he will end with a Q&A session. The event is brought to you by Howtomakeit.com

PS:  All items you see in poster were just some of the items Akomplice released in 2011. Press link on How To Make It
