The talented Yudai Maruyama created an amazing video lookbook that spans our 2012 Spring Collection. Traversing both urban and rural Japanese milieus in Tokyo, the viewer is given a first hand account of the versatility of the collection that it befits each environment.
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Victory against Fracking
We (all the heads from the woods of CO & Akomplice) feel like The Bulls after they won the championship in ’91!
The BLM (Bureau of Land Management) just issued a report stating they are to hold back the leasing of 30,000 acres of land to potential gas/ oil company buyers for fracking. The acres of public land, all of which are surrounding Akomplice’s home town of Paonia Colorado, will be protected until further research/ analysis is conducted. This is a huge victory, in the campaign against fracking, Akomplice looked at this as one of the most important campaigns thus far for 2012. If you didn’t see my post from a few weeks back check it here, you can check Patrick and I on CBS (Western Slope Colorado) talking about the movement against fracking as well as the letters to BLM, and a rally I took part in during Winter X-Games 2012. The BLM states that the hold is based on public input, which is amazing to actually see the government react in favor of the public rather than the big money oil companies. Next we’re spreading our reach beyond the North Fork Valley by doing a collaboration project with Josh Fox’s Academy Award nominated film, Gasland, which will donate all profits towards campaigns aiming to prevent Fracking from entering everyone else’s back yard. If you haven’t seen Gasland please watch it. Join the movement!
-Mike Akomplice
-Mike Akomplice
Pollo Fresca
It’s one thing to find something like this is in a small town or village, but in a major city that’s a league of its own. So I’m sure everyone has seen a documentary or heard about processed chicken, chickens born without beaks, wings, etc. or can’t support their own weight when they try to walk, so on and on. Well this is always in the back of my head when eating chicken in most places, even so-called organic or free range chickens leave me a bit suspicious. The only way to really know what you’re eating is by seeing it before its butchered and packaged. So here’s the solution. Take note of the situation, Belem Brazil, major walking street, sidewalk across from a large grocery store.
-Mike Akomplice
Note: i didn’t actually buy a chicken just checked it out.
Step 1: Get to know you’re chicken, befriend it, choose your favorite and signal the man in the white apron.
Step 2: Wait in this room.
Step 3: Pickup the chicken, pay and go.