Be sure to get signed up for the #TagYourAkomplice Giveaway contest over at Gearbottle for a chance to win a $500 Akomplice gift card. To enter follow the directions at this link:
Be sure to get signed up for the #TagYourAkomplice Giveaway contest over at Gearbottle for a chance to win a $500 Akomplice gift card. To enter follow the directions at this link:
@akomplicesantabarbara @frescocafesb @flyingdogbrewery @kcsbfm @tonicsb
Our summer release party is this Saturday, June 6th at the Akomplice Flagship Store in Santa Barbara. 8pm-10pm is the main event, sponsored by Fresco Cafe Santa Barbara and Flying Dog. Music by KCSB-FM. The fashion show will take place at Tonic Nightclub at 10:30pm!
For anyone out there wishing it was still Winter so they could go boarding, here’s a little video from the 292 Crew that features some steezy riding and for any of those that are happy it isn’t Winter, enjoy the fact that it is now warm outside and you can simply watch some crazy athletes shred like no other on your computer. And yes, our Ride Snowboard collab board can be seen in action at around 1:34. Enjoy.
Be sure to check out the Akomplice Webstore for restocks of sizes and items that have been sold out!