Akomplice Clothing

Lookbook by Shawn McCarney Alviz

April 5th, 2017

NYC based photographer Shawn McCarney recently shot a photo story for Akomplice. Pulling former Balenciaga model & friend Kyle Brodie Craft to showcase the collection, the two traveled to upstate NY to find the state’s hidden landscapes and sites. The collection features items from the Akomplice Entirely Made In The USA collection, as well as some recent standouts including the fleece overalls, weatherproof trench and organic knit tops. See the entire lookbook photo story here.

If any of you are curious, yes, he is the brother of Akomplice’s founders / creative directors.







VSOP Spring Collection

March 23rd, 2017

For our Spring Collection we are excited to usher in our first denim jacket, it features a corduroy collar and is perfect for the transitioning weather. The Spring Collection consists of a variety of pieces, see some of our top selects below. Almost this entire collection was created using organic cotton and recycled polyester. Thank you for your support.











Standing Rock Lookbook

February 10th, 2017

Today we follow up on the release of our Standing Rock Capsule Collection with a lookbook. As many of you already may know, earlier this week the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers granted an easement that allows the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under the Missouri River through sacred Sioux land. This means the protest is back on and needs to be stronger than ever. Head over to HighSnobiety to see the full story on our Standing Rock Project and to see how much money we have raised so far with your support. For those of you who missed the original release, we have restocked the collection on our Webstore. 100% of profits generated from sales will benefit Standing Rock. Profits will be donated to help fortify and empower the Standing Rock camps and assist them in continuing the protest. To learn more about the issue see below. Thank you to everybody who has supported this initiative, it’s been truly inspiring.

See all the lookbook photos after the jump.






Information on Standing Rock

Native Americans in this country have suffered through 500 years of broken promises from our government. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe decided they could take no more broken promises when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps) granted authorization to the Dakota Access Pipeline to be constructed against their will. The current route of construction takes the pipeline through many sacred religious and cultural sites, including burial sites of their ancestors. In addition, the pipeline is supposed to go under Lake Oahe, which would greatly jeopardize the tribe’s water supply. Water is life for all people and we must help to protect this finite resource. Other Native tribes and people of all races and creeds from around the world have traveled to show their support and stand along side the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. This is not the first time that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has had their land seized by the government. In 1877 Congress removed the Sacred Black Hills from the Great Sioux Reservation. The U.S. Supreme Court later responded to this action of Congress by stating, “A more ripe and rank case of dishonorable dealings will never, in all probability, be found in our history.” Please join us and stand in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. We must help keep their land and water safe and demand that our government respect their sovereignty.

How to take action with or without donating or supporting the Akomplice collection.

Boycott the banks funding the pipeline and the entire project will collapse or be forced to change route. Collective advocacy to DeFund the Dakota Access Pipeline is working. Last week it was announced that over 700,000 people, representing over $2.3 billion, were ready to move their money out of the 17 banks funding the Dakota Access pipeline. In the last week, Danish bank DNB has agreed to stop financing DAPL unless they re-route or cancel the pipeline in accordance with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s wishes. Citibank, Wells Fargo, ING and more have all agreed to meet with indigenous leaders and our coalition to try and de-escalate the situation. To help stop this pipeline at the core boycott the banks involved so that they are forced to change their actions. Then write an email to the bank explaining why you are boycotting them, closing your account, etc. The 17 banks include: Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, BayernLB, BBVA, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Crédit Agricole, DNB ASA, ICBC, ING, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mizuho Bank, Natixis, SMBC, Société Générale, SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, TD Bank, Wells Fargo.

Akomplice speaks at J Dilla’s alma mater

January 20th, 2017

Last week Akomplice visited Pershing High School in Detroit, the school J Dilla studied at. A couple years back Akomplice, Joey Bada$$, and the J Dilla foundation collaborated on a project which generated enough funds to build a music studio/program in both Detroit and Brooklyn, at Joey’s and Dilla’s high schools. We checked in at Dilla’s school to see what had progressed, we gave a talk about the evolution of Akomplice as well as ourselves, both as entrepreneurs and as people, presenting some of the challenges we faced when we were their age as well as solutions we found. Being at the school where J Dilla studied, seeing our project take off, and still exchanging experiences with the students was more than an honor for us. We send a huge thanks to all of Pershing High School`s students, teachers, and staff, who welcomed us with great love and provided us with this day of exchange and learning. Detroit has soul.

View more photos from the day after the jump.


