No more Fracking

April 11th, 2012

The movement has begun. Recently it’s been brought to the for front of our attention that Frackin (Hydraulic Fracturing) is being expanded within the USA with great speed. Last Christmas Patrick and I traveled back to our small hometown of Paonia Colorado, shocked to find gas companies attempting to Frack our local lands. As busy as we were we decided to work overtime and start an Anti-Fracking campaign. The first step was to become highly educated on the subject, lucky enough for us one of the leading scientists on the subject lives in the Western Slope of Colorado, Theo Colborn. We met with Colborn at her house, learned about her long history of achievements and most importantly the harmful effects Hydraulic Fracturing can pose on the environment and human life surrounding it. Most people are aware that many communities are able to light their water on fire after Fracking begins in the area, however it’s not as widly known that the air becomes highly polluted which has been causing nervous system diseases, making people lose taste and feel, as well as causing migraine headaches on a daily basis.It was also a shock learning that when Hydraulic Fracturing the gas companies are excempt from the clean air and water act, a clause Cheney placed right as he left office, Halliburton owning most of the stake in Fracking, imagine that. With this knowledge we became more upset and more passionate to fight the gas companies. First we began to campaign getting support from neighboring cities, we helped people write letters to our government, and in the end helped raise an extra 500 or so letters. After and during the awareness campaign some friends had the idea to protest during the Winter X-Games in Aspen, which is about 2 hours from our hometown of Paonia. The group ended getting coverge all over ESPN, newspapers and online blogs. It was perfect placement being on the ledge of the Superpipe during the finals with Shawn White. Shorty after we mobbed to a rally being held in Montrose CO, luckily CBS made it out and gave most of the news spot to Patrick and I, check the news clip below. This campaign will continue until the government takes action in stopping the gas companies. To join the movement against Fracking email us at with the subject: No Frack. To learn more about Hydraulic Fracturing check out Josh Fox’s Academy Award nominated film Gas Land or read a recent story in the Huffington Post here.

-Mike Akomplice


