AK Crew Card. The card comes in four values: $25, $50, $100, and $500 (the $500 cards only cost $400). This card is good for a few reasons.
1.) Every time you use the AK Crew Card we send you extra goods for free, one of a kind samples, artwork, and other classic joints hangin’ around the office.
2.) When your Grandma say’s, “Hey there scout, what do you want for X-mas this year?” you can reply, “Well, G-ma, I want a phatty $500 AK Crew Card.” This way you get what you want for X-mas and skip the Ed Hardy boxers your outdated (but adorably wonderful) Grandma thought you would want.
3.) It’ll help get girls excited! When you dig through your wallet looking for your i.d. to get into the club, the card will show and some chick will be all like, “Daamnnn baaaaby, is that an Ak Crew Card, I love a man who’s got some Akomplice in his pocket, rrrrrrrrrr.”
If that aint enough then you might just not be old enough for it.