April 7th, 2015


DOOM & Akomplice Mystery Bag

Four years ago we collaborated on a mystery project with DOOM. Now, four years later, we are at it again. Our latest effort with the enigmatic Villain is cloaked in just as much mystery as our 2011 release. Veiled in nondescript silver and black packaging, it’s impossible to infer what’s inside. Our previous project had a similar cryptic release in the form of a nailed-shut wood crate that required a crowbar to open. If that project and the ensuing treasure hunt is any indication, you can be sure that our newest release will push the bounds of your expectations. Beyond the photos, the only information we have given is the pre-release purchase window – limited to 24-hours beginning April 12th at 12:00PM Eastern Time on our Webstore. The price is $50 USD. No other information on this project has been released.