Akomplice Season 8 Drops On Digital Gravel Today!
May 21st

If you haven't already copped it, head over to Digital Gravel for our latest Season 8 delivery. The first 25 Akomplice orders
will receive an official Akomplice scratch lotto ticket with a chance to win free clothes and more gear from the Akomplice crew.

We know. Akomplice scratch lotto tickets are a great idea. Don't sleep.

Behind The Scenes: Blu & Exile's "Blu Colla Workers"
May 20th
I know you've all seen the video by now, but here's a little behind the scenes footage
from our boy DJ Low Key from the shooting of the "Blu Colla Workers" video.

Akomplice x Nokia 5300
May 19th

Checking our MySpace page the other day, we
stumbled upon this graphic
for your Nokia 5300.

Mike's Trip To Mexico, Part II
May 16th

During his trip, Mike stumbled upon Mexico's bootleg version of Fred Segal.

While we sell at Fred Segal Conveyor in Santa Monica, this does not look like 420 Broadway to me.

League of Clutch?
May 15th
Has anyone seen this? We have a feeling that someone over at Gatorade was
a huge fan of our Attack Of Season 7 trailer. You be the judge below...

Akomplice Season 8 Release Party In Caracas, Venezuela
May 14th

Have some frequent flyer miles to cash in? Well, come down to Caracas, Venezuela and
celebrate with us the release of our Season 8. Mike, Patrick and Blake will all be down there.

Kidz In The Hall's New Album Drops
May 13th

What?! You haven't copped the new album yet?! Kidz In The Hall (who are producer Double-O and emcee Naledge)
dropped their new album "The In Crowd" today so go to your local spot to cop it or download it on iTunes.
Also, be sure to check out this video from their performance at NYC's famed
Knitting Factory where Naledge rocked the "Taj" hood.

Through The Wire: Hoops 4 Hope
May 12th

Above is Inncocent, an African wire-crafter, and his colleague from the Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust in Durban, South Africa.
They are both HIV+. Hoops 4 Hope, a not-for-profit organization that supports youth development in Zimbabwe and
Africa by working with schools, shelters and community organizations, commissioned
them to make these amazing designs
so that the organization can auction them down the road to help raise funds.
For info on how you can help, check out the website and feel free to contact them. Also, peep the video below.
This video is from Bobbito Garcia's former ESPN show "It's The Shoes".

Mike's Trip To Mexico, Part I
May 9th

While going down to visit his girl, of course Mike had to check out the hottest boutiques in Mexico.
Above are some pics from Shelter - one of Mexico's finest - with four different locations.

Mike postin' up and kickin' it with Paris in the shop.

Akomplice SuperFan
May 8th

Representing his love for Akomplice at his local shop Shoe Extreme, Tony Naranjo from Greeley, CO sent us this pic
showing off his AK collection. Thanks Jason for lacin' him up.
If you have a crazy Akomplice collection and want to show it off, e-mail us and maybe we'll feature you on the site.

Akomplice Season 8 Release Party In Denver
May 7th

Come out and celebrate with us the release of our Season 8 at Club Vinyl in Denver.
Performances by the Souls of Mischief, Collie Buddz, DJ Low Key and Sounds Supreme.

Diego Troya Rockin' Akomplice
May 6th
Check out a couple new videos from Akomplice Team member Diego Troya out
of Charlotte, NC. This dude's been holding it down for us for quite some time.
Also, quick shoutout to Josh Payne and Phelps holdin' it down in NC as well.

Akomplice x BNQT.com Contest
May 5th

Akomplice has teamed up with our boys over at BNQT.com to give you a chance to win some Akomplice gear.
All you have to do is answer the following two questions:
1. By what percentage will rocking Akomplice help you get laid on any given day?
2. Who is featured on the "Gettin' My Lean On" tee/crew?
As a bonus, we're giving you a chance to design for Akomplice. Send in your artwork for a chance to be
featured in an upcoming season. Check here for more details and where to send your answers/designs.
Got questions about the contest? Hit up Ice for the answers. Contest ends June 4, 2008.

Around the World in Eight Days: Spring/Summer Preview
May 2nd

This summer, Akomplice goes Around the World in Eight Days. Check the pics below.
Above, Eddie wears "Doin' It" crew - a collaboration with Singapore's Stabs. Photos by Blake Peterson.

Patrick wears "BJ" tee (front).

Tim wears "Freaky Girls" tee.

Eddie wears "In Yo Face" tee.

Eddie wears "America's Idol" - a collaboration with Future Relic's Kenyon Bajus.

Patrick wears "The Key" tee.

Eddie wears "Half Up" tee.

Patrick wears "BJ" tee (back).

Solomon Representin' P-Town
May 1st

Peep this amazing photo of our boy Solomon, the newest memeber of the Akomplice Team,
representin' Paonia, CO. Photo by Blake Peterson.

Akomplice Season 8 Summer House Party
April 30th

Come out and celebrate with us the release of our Season 8 in classic House Party fashion.

Mibbs of Pacific Division Rockin' Akomplice... Again
April 29th

Check out Mibbs from Pacific Division rockin' "Street Couture" in the latest issue of XXL.
From what we've heard, Mibbs just won't take that shirt off. We feel ya.

Akomplice Season 7 Release Party With Guru: The Redux
April 28th

With our Season 8 range dropping around the world, we decided to take a look back at our Season 7 Release Party
as we look forward to the next. Photos by Chip Kalback.

Patrick showin' some kids the new range and they're going nuts.

As we've said before, every girl needs a Liberty dress.

It's not a release party without a fashion show...

The Akomplice Season 8 Photoshoot
April 25th
Check out our latest (literally) sneak peek video from our Season 8 photoshoot.
It’s almost summertime, so it’s time to get in that mindstate.
Fresh girls, fresh strawberries and fresh gear.
Cop it soon at your local boutique.

DJ Remode Rockin' Akomplice
April 24th

Check out DJ Remode rockin' the "Liberty" tee and "Poets Society" cap at the adidas store in Los Angeles.

Be sure to peep Remode's remix of MainFlow on his MySpace page.

Introducing... The Akomplice Team
April 23rd

By now, if you've been following us for a couple years, you know the Akomplice Team rolls deep. So, we're going to take
one day a week to introduce you to the people you've come to know and love with exclusive interviews and pics. Stay tuned.

Akomplice Wishes You A Happy Earth Day
April 22nd

Released on Earth Day in an effort to promote greener living, these limited edition "Earth Force Ones" feature pearlescent
green and blue accents along with images of our one and only planet Earth. You can cop these from Sole Brother,
with partial proceeds from each pair sold benefiting the Alliance for Climate Protection. Remember, don't sleep.
Also, you know we know how to keep it green.

Akomplice Featured In DNR
April 21st

If you missed it, Akomplice was featured in the March 31st issue of DNR - the Green Issue - for the project we're doing
with the film The 11th Hour. We'll tell you more about our new tee titled "The Globe Is Warming" closer to its release.

Camp Lo Rockin' Akomplice
April 18th

A few weeks back, Sonny Cheeba (left) and Geechi Suede (right) from the legendary group Camp Lo were in
Colorado performing with a live band. The show was amazing and of course Sonny & Geechi were lookin' fresh.

Geechi & Sonny did The Bronx proud.

Akomplice Featured On Out Tha Box TV
April 17th
Back in November, we held our Season 7 Release Party in Denver with Guru of Gang Starr
and Superproducer Solar. Check out this video by Out Tha Box TV featuring an interview
with Mike & Patrick, as well as a packed performance by Guru and Solar.

Rahzel In Colorado This Friday!
April 16th

For all of you out on the front range, be sure to check out Rahzel at Club Vinyl in Denver Friday.

Mike Wild 'n Out With Eric D-Lux at Power 106
April 15th
Check out Mike and Eric D-Lux wild 'n out in the Power 106 studio in L.A.

Dunn The Street Sign Artist Featured On illRoots.com
April 14th

Check out the latest features on Akomplice Team member Dunn The Street Sign Artist.
Not only is he featured on illRoots.com, but also in Denver's Westword.

Mike & Patrick's Adventures In L.A.
April 11th

We bounced to Mexico with MainFlow. While there, we listened to some upcoming tracks from "Return of the Castle,"
MainFlow's new album. This is a pic of MainFlow writing a rhyme at his house in Mexico. - Mike

Puts a new name on hat hustlers - New Era better watch out. The beach at Roserito Mexico.
Also, check Patrick's crewneck, the new collaboration with Stabs to come out this summer. - Mike

Woke up one morning to find MainFlow's kid connecting the dots. - Mike

The day before my birthday, we jumped to Power 106 with Big Syphe and Eric D-Lux. If you don't know, Power 106 is the
biggest hip-hop station in LA. To celebrate the birthday, D-Lux and Big Syphe thought it fit to hit some coffee Patron. - Mike

Ever wonder how Akomplice is made? Well, here is a Step One. - Patrick

Step Two.

Step Three. Boom! Lookin' fresh. This is Addict, being rocked by our boy Russ and released in the next three weeks.
This is a heater, so cop it fast before it's gone from your local boutique. - Patrick

Black Pegasus' "Who Ya Gonna Call" Music Video
April 10th
Check out the new muisc video by Akomplice Team member Black Pegasus.

New DJ Sounds Supreme Mixtapes
April 9th

Check out Akomplice Team member DJ Sounds Supreme's new mixtapes available to download now.
Just click on each album cover to download and start the party.

Mibbs of Pacific Division Rockin' Akomplice... Again
April 8th
Check out Mibbs from the Cali hip-hop group Pacific Division rockin' "Clubbin".

Akomplice Featured In Blu & Exile Music Video
April 7th

Check out some behind-the-scenes photos from the Blu & Exile music video shoot.
Above, Blu is rockin' "Big Lew". If you don't know about these guys, check 'em out.

Here, Exile and Akomplice Team member DJ Low Key are kickin' when they got a free minute.

Blu was feelin' the message behind "All Together"...

...while Exile was feelin' "Park Life".
Check out the finished product. The Blu & Exile music video for the hit
"Blu Collar Workers". Directed by Aaron Rosenbloom.

Public Enemy No. 1?
April 4th

A couple of weeks ago we got the following e-mail:
What’s up? My name is Erik and I live in the Bay Area in California.
I just wanted to let you know that today I was suspended from school for
refusing to take off my Liberty Akomplice shirt with the Statue of Liberty holding a gun. I refused because I figured what they were trying to make me do was somewhat related to the shirt itself and explained how the shirt was art and didn’t mean I was going to bring a gun to school and kill anyone. Anyways, I just wanted to share this story with you guys and let you know
I love your clothing. Keep doing what your doing. |
How gangster is that?

B.o.B. Rockin' Akomplice At SXSW
April 3rd
Check out URB cover star B.o.B. rockin' the Akomplice "Point The Guns Down"
on stage at the SXSW festival in Austin. This guy can throw a show.

Cash Only Show (Sample Sale) This Weekend
April 2nd

This weekend, come cop some Akomplice at the Cash Only Show at the Beauty Bar in Hollywood. We'll be
pre-releasing a limited 25 tees of our most controversial style from the forthcoming Season 8 and DJ Vick One from
Power 106 will be on the tables. If that's not reason enough to come out, then I don't know what would be.

Mibbs of Pacific Division Rockin' Akomplice
April 1st
Check out Mibbs from the Cali hip-hop group Pacific Division rockin' "Street Couture"
throughout his entire verse. If you don't know about these guys, check 'em out.

Aron Featured In Shoes-Up Magazine
March 31st

This January, while Aron and Patrick were at Bread & Butter, they met up with Julien from France's Shoes-Up Magazine.
Aron got snapped rockin' the DC Shoes x Lemar & Dauley kicks along with the Liberty Easter Fade tee and Class Act denim.

Earth Hour 2008: Act Now!
March 28th
It started with a question last year: How can people be inspired to take action on climate change?
To Earth Hour, the answer was to ask the people of Sydney, Australia to simply turn off their
for one hour. On March 31, 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney businesses turned off their
for one hour – Earth Hour. If the greenhouse reduction achieved in the Sydney Earth Hour was
sustained for
a year, it would be equivalent to taking 48,616 cars off the road for a year.
Inspired by the collective effort of millions in Sydney, many major global cities are joining Earth Hour
in 2008,
turning a symbolic event into a global movement. We hope you will join in as well.
On Saturday, March 29, 2008, Earth Hour is inviting people around the world to turn off their lights for one
hour – from 8:00pm to 9:00pm in their local time zone. Given Akomplice’s commitment to environmental awareness
and energy efficiency, we strongly support the Earth Hour campaign, and hope you do to. Be part of the solution,
and help spread awareness of what we hope will be a highly successful global event.

"You Say You Want A Revolution..."
March 27th

Some Akomplice fans are truly fanatical. Well, you know, we all want to change the world.

Barack Obama: "A More Perfect Union"
March 26th
If you haven't seen this yet, then you better make some time.

Diego Troya Rockin' Akomplice
March 25th

Check out Akomplice Team member Diego Troya from Charlotte's Black Sheep Skateshop rockin' the "Kix" tee.

Provider Wishes You A Happy Easter
March 24th

While you know we rarely put up anything non-Akomplice on here, we thought this image
from Provider (reminiscent of "Waldo In The Strip Club") was just too hilarious not to.